Tag Archives: Kula Kula

Idol Speculation: “Survivor 42” Episode 11: Canadian Civil War

19 May

You know, they’ve talked about this coming for a while now.  Sensationalist news headlines everywhere, portending the end of all things.  Even some semi-compelling evidence for it.  I must admit, though, that even if I DID subscribe to the idea, I did not expect it to be coming this far north.  

I also did not expect to be doing one of these right now, yet here we are.  Yes, a mere one episode before the finale, it’s time for another edition of…


This one really hurts.  Some of these “Mess-Ups” are slightly more jokey, but I legitimately feel bad about this one.  Last episode, when talking up the brilliance of this group unintentionally repeating “Survivor 41”, and outwitting the “Knowledge is Power” by having someone else hold the idol that was to be stolen.  However, I made it out to be purely Omar’s move.  In some ways, understandable.  Omar was the narrator for the whole thing, and he WAS the one who happened to get the information out of Drea.  But his move alone?  No.  He discussed the move with Lindsay, and together they came up with the move.  I’ve seen some people say Lindsay suggested the move, and thus should get all the credit.  They may be right; I can’t remember the exact order of the conversation, but I don’t usually go back and rewatch episodes to get these sort of facts straight, and I’m not going to start now.  Even in the most generous interpretation for Omar, though, Lindsay deserves at least equal credit, and I did not give it.  As such, I correct that here.  Lindsay is also an architect of this move, and deserves at least equal praise to what I gave Omar last episode.  

In some ways, it’s kind of fortuitous that I made this mess-up, as this move directly leads into our post-Tribal Council discussion for the episode.  Lindsay and Omar are both high off the outcome, as it went exactly as they had planned.  I will dock Lindsay a point for calling it a “Perfect” Tribal Council, since to my mind, such a title would belong only to a Tribal Council WITHOUT a “Do or Die”, or at least one where I wasn’t the one vulnerable to said “Do or Die”, but hey, she’s here.  Can’t fault her for being happy about that.  

In the middle of this euphoria comes the issue of Mike’s idol.  Omar gives it back because really, what choice did he have?  Yeah, keeping it keeps you safe for a round, but also invokes the wrath of Mike, a wrath well worth being afraid of.  And Omar should know; he weaponized it against Hai two episodes ago.  Mike does make a good show of saying how the idol is for the both of them, but in private, Mike admits that he “knows” Omar is coming for him, and so plans to turn on Omar.  Fair enough, since Omar is the biggest threat out there to win, and therefore someone Mike needs to take out at some point for him to have a shot at winning, but I find the justification oddly amusing.  With the other people Mike had a vendetta against, there was at least SOME slight, real or imagined, that put him on the warpath against them.  Chanelle with the “Shot in the Dark” safety vote, Hai with the supposed “puppet” comment.  But no one really egged Mike to turn on Omar.  So what does Mike do?  Does he say “Omar’s a threat and needs to go?”  No, Mike just HAS to turn it into some drama, specifically that Omar will come for him, despite Omar NEVER saying that in this episode (though he did discuss it in episodes previous, if we’re being completely fair).  Again, perfectly fine decision by Mike.  No complaints strategically.  Just funny to me that it can’t just be a strategy thing.  Someone HAS to be against him, or have slighted him, for Mike to justify mobilizing against them.  

Mike pitches this move to Maryanne, who admittedly does see the value in it.  She frames it as “Omar is a threat and needs to go.”, which again, can’t argue with.  So loyal is she to Mike, that she… Talks about how uncomfortable he’s feeling the next morning.  Way to keep that alliance under wraps, Maryanne.  

Ok, ok, she doesn’t mention the “Targeting Omar” part, but even that felt like a bit more disclosure than necessary.  Maryanne will have to wait, however, as Jonathan speaks, and per the edict of Probst, when Jonathan speaks, everyone else shuts up.  Specifically, Jonathan has now taken on the persona of “Captain Obvious”, telling us things that we already knew were blindingly true.  Specifically that Lindsay and Omar are a pair working against him, and this is the breakup of the Taku 4.  Wow, wonder where the hell you got that idea, Jonathan?  

This, however, is the excuse Mike needs to bring in Jonathan on the “Get Omar” plan.  Omar DOES catch them talking, but not before the deal is sealed, and so everything seems to be in motion.  

Speaking of motion, our reward challenge features a lot of it.  Contestants spin themselves around really fast to unspool rope from themselves.  Having done so, they cross a rope bridge and then a balance beam, on which they must untie keys to unlock puzzle pieces.  This, of course, means a puzzle at the end, with the solver winning reward for themselves.  

Now, contrary to how generic a descriptor that is, I actually quite like this challenge.  There are specifically two things about it that hit the mark for me.  One is the puzzle.  If you’re familiar at all with “Survivor” History, you will realize this is no ordinary puzzle.  This is what I call “The Kass Puzzle”.  More specifically, the puzzle that Kass solved on “Survivor Cagayan” to win her immunity in what is, in my opinion, the best challenge comeback in the history of the show.  A good puzzle on its own, but allowing me to relive this challenge brings me joy.  

The other reason is Maryanne.  Say what you will about her, the woman is making the MOST of this experience, and loving every minute of it.  Everyone else just kind does their spin as quickly and clinically as possible, but Maryanne goes all over the place, laughing all the way.  She even gets in some “Opposite Direction Spins” to try and cure the dizziness.  Doesn’t work, naturally, but the pleasure’s in the trying.  I hope, dear reader, that you at some point experience even 1/4 the joy that Maryanne felt doing that challenge.  You will truly be happy at that time.  

As this challenge involves a puzzle, Jonathan does not have much chance to win it, despite his decent lead from the physical portion.  Most everyone here has something of a chance to win it, but it’s Omar that ultimately takes the thing…


Sorry, a pig just flew into my window.  It’s not enough for Omar to enjoy his win, however.  We need to talk about how much it means to him as a fan, and what it will mean to his niece, whom he just cares SO MUCH about!  Subtle, show.  Very subtle.  While you’re at it, why don’t you photoshop in a sign that says “Dead Man Walking” around his neck? 

Because it would cover the awesome Emu Shirt, that’s why.  

Anyway, like last season, Omar has a choice between a healthier meal of chicken and veggies, or sugary foods like cake and cookies.  With no Deshawn to try and bargain for letters from home, Omar is instead left with the wrinkle of taking the former reward and two people with him, or the latter and three.  Correctly recognizing that the boost from food is going to be fleeting, Omar chooses the latter, and takes everyone but Lindsay and Jonathan.  Assuming that he and Lindsay had discussed this earlier, this move makes perfect sense.  No sense in giving Jonathan even fleeting strength, and you nullify the risk of people strategizing against you, since the two aren’t talking strategy at this point anyway.  

Case in point, both make a show of wanting to target Mike back at camp, though neither are particularly good liars, and it’s clear to everyone watching that they don’t trust each other.  Kind of hilarious, actually.  We get better strategizing once everyone gets back to camp.  We find out that Maryanne, despite that one earlier scene, is more on board with the “Boot Omar” plan than we thought, and she starts telling the few left who don’t know about her extra vote.  And yeah, given that this is still a semi-slim majority, this time it actually makes SENSE to tell people about your advantage.  Gives them more confidence in the plan, and makes defectors less likely.  Mike reciprocates by saying he can use his idol to protect them both, which makes Maryanne very happy since she has an idol ANYWAY, but now has an extra backup, effectively.  The only thing that can possibly go wrong is Lindsay or Omar winning immunity.  

Our immunity challenge is sadly not as good as the reward challenge.  Just your generic obstacle course with ladder puzzles, and a table maze at the end.  The one thing I think was pretty cool was getting a key up a ladder by moving its rungs back and forth.  That was clever.  

Not inherent to the challenge, but another thing that helps is the tension.  This challenge is surprisingly even overall, but it quickly becomes clear that Jonathan and Lindsay are our two table maze whizzes.  They go back and forth, and the music gives us some good fakeouts.  In the end, the more interesting choice of Lindsay wins.  Now, as Mike rightly notes, there is the possibility of Omar being immune by Lindsay’s talisman, now an idol, and so a backup plan must be put in place.  

Said backup plan is… Romeo.  Ok, I guess it makes sense.  Mike doesn’t want himself, Jonathan, or Maryanne gone, and with Lindsay and Omar potentially immune, only Romeo is left.  But if you’re talking about using him as a swing vote, maybe just let Jonathan go, and get one of Lindsay or Omar on the next round.  The “They’re taking up a seat at the end” argument is only for the likes of Cirie Fields (“Survivor Exile Island”) who win no matter who they’re up against.  Mike has by no means the LOWEST chance of winning of this group, but he’s not a certainty like Cirie would be in any Final Tribal Council.  

The Omar plan is not completely dead, however.  Lindsay, fearing that her talisman will be put back in play should she use it, discusses NOT using it at all.  Now, THIS is the one true misstep of the episode, strategically and editing wise.  From a strategy perspective, while I get the fear of “It comes back into the game”, this is contradicted by the text of the advantage itself saying it expires at the Final Six.  You know, where you are RIGHT NOW!  Unless they blatantly change the rules on the spot (something that is, admittedly, not out of the question given how the show has been these past couple seasons), it will be powerless.  Moreover, by NOT playing it, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to show off in front of the jury, not to mention save an ally YOU NEED going forward.  Omar is, for all intents and purposes, drawing fire away from Lindsay.  If she wants to not be targeted, and thus need to win every immunity moving forward, she NEEDS Omar around.  She’s also probably the one person left who might have a realistic chance of beating Omar in the finals, so even if he does stick around to the end, there’s no rush.  

From an editors perspective, however, this REALLY should have been the misdirection for the episode.  Put this closer to the end, right before they march off, throw in a sound byte of Lindsay saying maybe she will play it after all, and BAM!  A decent mystery heading into Tribal Council.  But no, it’s taken as a near-certainty that she won’t, which leads Maryanne to spearhead the Omar plan.  Getting Romeo fully on board, she plans to split the votes.  She, Romeo, and her extra vote go on Omar, thus giving him the majority at 3-2-2 (Jonathan and Mike voting for Romeo for safety, and Lindsay and Omar voting for Jonathan, obviously).  Then, even if Omar is made safe, it’s still a tie, rather than an automatic Jonathan eviction.  Only a moron would be against this plan.  

Ok, ok, I exaggerate.  Jonathan and Mike do object to it being too complicated, Mike in particular saying Maryanne is trying to play a “too advanced” version of “Survivor”.  See, this is the Mike I was afraid we’d get pre-season, the one who only understands the most basic of strategy and becomes hard-headed in the face of anything more advanced.  What Maryanne is suggesting is the smart move, guys, and not rocket science.  Hell, ROMEO is the only person who might have an objection, as he’s an alternate target in that scenario, and yet he’s the one fully on board!  That might be because Maryanne did a masterful job convincing him they were just going for Omar, but still!  

That said, for all that I joke, these two men are NOT, in fact, morons, and I have no doubt they’ll fall in line with Maryanne’s superior plan before Tribal Council.  That said, such a plan requires things being played close-to-the-chest, and all do it masterfully here.  Brilliant strategy, but leads to a Tribal Council with not a lot to talk about.  Save, that is, for Omar’s final nail in the coffin, when he talks about being “Survivor Confident”, where you can never know for certain, but think you’re good.  

Yeah, guess who gets the rug pulled out from under them.  Go on.  Guess.  

While I fully acknowledge it was the correct strategic move for everyone save Lindsay, I can’t deny that I will miss Omar.  He and his Emu Shirt were great strategists on this season, and overall just fun and likable.  When he wasn’t shoving animal metaphors down our throats, he was a joy to have on screen, and I look forward to seeing him on a future returnee season.  Hell, he even leaves with a lot of class, correctly giving Maryanne credit for the boot.  Or the ABOOT, if you will.  Ah, Canadian jokes.  It’s a shame to see two countrymen go after each other like this.  

One or two slip-ups aside, this was still a solid episode.  Not much misdirection, but several fun moments, and well-crafted narrative, and a great downfall arc.  More believable misdirection might have been helpful, but you can’t have everything.  You can, however, have the tradition “Idol Speculation” rankings heading into the finale, however.  To quickly recap, this is where I talk about who I think has the best chance of winning in the finals.  HOW LIKELY that person is to make the finals does not factor in; this is merely who I think has a shot versus no shot.  

1. Lindsay-As always, the top spot is reserved for the person about how I can say “If they get to the end, they win.”   With Omar out of the picture, that honor belongs to Lindsay.  There’s no one else left who can say they’ve played as strategically over the entire season, so she’s got that facet on lockdown, but she has good arguments in other areas as well.  You like someone who’s good at challenges?  Lindsay so far is the only one who can go toe-to-toe with Jonathan in that department.  You like someone who’s good socially.  Tell me who Lindsay has pissed off.  Who?  No one, that’s who.  No, like most people in this position, Lindsay’s issue is getting to the end.  Her only true ally is gone, and she’s the only person truly on the “wrong” side of the vote this episode.  Granted, she has a decent shot to immunity her way to the end, but still, uphill battle.  

2. Maryanne-Before tonight’s episode, Maryanne would have been lower on this list.  While she did a good job hanging on despite being targeted, and had the second-most “Stuff” after Drea, she hadn’t really done a lot with it, and I could see that plus her loose lips docking her points with the jury.  Tonight, however, she proved her worth.  She publicly got out what the jury perceived as the biggest strategic threat, and that retroactively gets you a lot of points.  Sort of a “The king is dead, long live the king” type thing.  Think what happened with David on “Survivor Millennials vs. Gen-X”.  He was the big strategic threat, but when he was eliminated, the person seen as eliminating him got all the strategic credit.  Granted that honor was placed incorrectly on Adam when it was Hannah who did the orchestrating in that scenario, but you take my point.  No one will misplace the glory of eliminating Omar after that performance.  Maryanne’s one true obstacle is her personality.  Multiple people have referred to her as “annoying”, and again, loose lips could come back to haunt her.  Unless she REALLY turned off the jury just by being herself, though, I think she’s in a decent spot to win, provided her strategic rival in Lindsay is voted off.  

3. Mike-Mike is in many ways the opposite of Maryanne.  People love his personality.  That’s part of how he’s stuck around so long.  He’s a straight-shooter, but likable and funny.  People just want to be around him.  That said, his strategic game is lacking.  Not bad, just not going to set the world on fire.  If the jury is heavily into that aspect of the game, Mike’s in trouble.  Still, he’s acquitted himself well enough to garner some votes, and even win so long as he’s not up against a stronger strategic player.  

4. Jonathan-It is how unusual having a player of Jonathan’s archetype this late in the game is that gives Jonathan any hope of winning.  The dude’s strongest argument is that he was a super-obvious target, particularly with how Probst was building him up pre-merge, yet still made it this far.  Can Jonathan articulate that?  Not from what we’ve seen, but you never know.  Sadly, between him not looking too good at the split-Tribal Council, and juries these days respecting the physical game less, I would say Jonathan is the most likely “Xander” of the season: Someone who gets to the end and SEEMS like they should win, but just don’t have what the jury wants.  

5. Romeo-It speaks to the quality of this season that someone like Romeo is the bottom contender of this group.  Romeo has done very well playing the decoy boot, and worming his way further and further despite nominally being on the bottom.  That may seem like weak strategy, but it’s basically what won Sandra the game twice.  Romeo also has some strategic chops to his name, very well running the Ika Tribe pre-merge.  Sadly, as we saw with Sherri on “Survivor Caramoan”, pre-merge actions often count for very little on the jury.  Moreover, while Romeo’s strategy can be a winning one, you need to be up against really unlikeable people to pull it off.  Romeo has no such people here, and thus is the least-likely to win.  Hardly a bad player, though.  

And there we go.  Let us see how the finale plays out next week!


Title Credit to Jean Storrs.  

Idol Speculation: “Survivor 42” Episode 10: A New Villain Arises

12 May

While I admit I haven’t seen this complaint so far, I could see some in the fan community having a gripe with this season.  Specifically after Tori’s exit, there’s no real “Villain” left in the game.  Everyone is at least some degree of likable (some more than others, but let’s not split hairs), and even if they have some rough edges, no one is a real “villain”.  Evidently the show heard this complaint through time, and set out to give us a new villain, and his name is Mike!  

What’s that?  You say that Mike did nothing particularly villainous this episode?  Oh ho, I beg to differ, dear reader.  He committed perhaps the most heinous crime known to man.  HE MISUSED SHAKESPEARE!  

You all heard him!  He made the inevitable “Wherefore art thou” reference that must happen when someone named “Romeo” is around, which is fine, except that he made the admittedly common mistake of using “wherefore” as if it were the modern “where”.  It’s NOT people.  It’s analogous to WHY in Modern English.  This is not a hard concept to work through!  At least the episode is over, and I don’t have to hear it again…


MIKE: Wherefore art thou, Matt?  In your home, obviously.  

ME: Why do I even bother?  Look, Mike, what are you doing here?  

MIKE: Our hill, over dale, over bush and briar, I do wonder everywhere.  And your house is a part of “Everywhere”

ME: Yeah, but see, that doesn’t work since that’s ACTUALLY an appropriate Shakespeare quote for the situation, albeit an abridged one.  

MIKE: Well I heard you were a Shakespeare fan, and thought I could regale you with some more of The Bard, ya’ know?  Show ya’ I actually know what I’m talking about.  

ME: You know what?  Fine.  I have better things to do than chase you off my property with my nice new Taku Buff.  Just try and keep it to a minimum, ok?

MIKE: The silence often of pure innocence persuades where speaking fails.  Ya’ know, shut up if you don’t want people to know about your advantages.  

ME: Woah, slow down there, man!  We’re not even at that part of the episode.  First we’ve got to get over you congratulating yourself on blindsiding Hai.  

MIKE: What can I say?  Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em!

Mike has no idea how appropriate that quote is to his situation right now.  In any case, there’s really no drama from that vote out since it was pretty unified.  Even morning doesn’t bring much drama, as we instead focus on camp life.  Drea evidently wants to be the next Richard Hatch (“Survivor Borneo”) or Tom Westman (“Survivor Palau”), and catch a shark, the mechanism for which she debates with her tribe.  This is soon interrupted by Maryanne’s oddly casual observation that her pinkie toenail has fallen off.  This casual nature is soon revealed to be because it’s a regular occurrence for Maryanne, something the tribe is oddly fascinated with.  Though I suppose if I had nothing but time, such a banal subject might get my attention as well.  

Strategy talk does eventually re-emerge, though, as our “Strong 5” go down to the beach, leaving Maryanne and Romeo behind.  The pair acknowledge that they’re on the bottom, but also recognize that that five are not going to stick together, and they can weasel their way further forward.  

Meanwhile, on the beach, the five are making a pact to stick together through Romeo and Maryanne’s boots, only to “duke it out” later.  A decent enough idea for all of them, under the patented Cirie Fields “Every goat left is a threat to my finals seat” logic, and Drea, at least, is heavily on board, very ready to throw Romeo under the bus.  They just haven’t been able to get on the same page.  And credit where it’s due, but this group has FINALLY figured out to send the right salesman to make such a pitch.  Mike, the guy who would seem most likely to propose such an alliance, is the one doing the talking, and he sells it hard.  Good job for him.  It’s certainly more believable than, say, Omar trying to go with this idea.  

The salesman language is intentional, though.  Once the group splits up, he confides to us and Omar that the whole thing was to make Drea comfortable, so she doesn’t play any potential idols or advantages.  Smart play, but unsurprising.  Just due to sheer amount of “stuff”, Drea is the biggest threat left for the end, and that’s not even including her surviving being a target multiple times, plus her heart-wrenching speech at the Tori boot.  

Yet, I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t believe this is who they would target until Mike told us so.  I thought he was being 100% serious.  Good job, Mike.  

MIKE:  What can I say, I’m a good actor.  

This player here,

But in a fiction, in a dream of passion

Could force his soul so to his own conceit

That from her working all his visage wann’d,

Tears in his eyes, distraction in’s aspect,

A broken voice, and his whole function suiting

With forms to his conceit?  And all for nothing!

Thanks for the good performance, it helps take some of the salt out of that “Wherefore” misusage.  Also salty is Jonathan, who continues to want to be the provider, yet finds himself very much weakened, both physically and in his resolve.  Drea is still on that shark-catching train, and so she and Lindsay go down to untangle a net to attempt to use it.  Jonathan, after some perceived effort, goes down and verbally directs them in their untangling efforts.  After this surprisingly doesn’t work as well, Drea makes an offhand, if somewhat snarky, comment that more hands would help, which Jonathan takes as a slight unto himself.  This blows up into far more of an argument than it needs to, save for the fact that it proves Jonathan will remain a target.  While I can see his side of it, I do think he was overreacting, and again, it’s that side of Jonathan that I don’t like to see.  

And so, we now come to the moment we all saw happening from the moment the preview for this episode showed up.  Yes, dear readers, it is time once again for the episode with the “Do or Die” twist.  Mike, any appropriate words for this situation?  

MIKE: It sucks, man?

ME: Well yes, but I meant more bardic words.  

MIKE: Hmm.  How about “What a sign it is of evil life…”

Good enough, thank you!  Now, I promised at the top of this season that I would not give the show flak for reusing twists, as they had no time to gather true feedback from the audience on how they played out.  And I will hold to that, even if the rub salt in the wound by having Probst talk to the audience like we’re kindergarteners while re-introducing the twist to us all.  So no, I will not complain about the presence of this particular twist here.  Much.  

That said, however, I do want to re-address something I talked about last season.  While this and a large number of twists implemented last season have received some degree of hate, I’ve noticed a number of people come around on this one, and say that it’s actually a decent twist, or at least not the worst last season had to offer.  And fair enough.  One is entitled to one’s opinion, and it’s not the WORST opinion one could hold regarding “Survivor”.  However, I would respectfully disagree, and I would like to take a minute to explain why.  

When I do see people talking about the worst twists from last season, usually the hourglass is top of the list.  And again, fair enough.  That is also a terrible twist for a variety of reasons.  But I still maintain that “Do or Die” is by far the worst.  Still, it seemed odd to me that this was so common an opinion that I took time between seasons to consider why, and have come to the conclusion that it is because we’re rating the relative merits of a twist based on different criteria.  

The most common criticism I see lobbed at the hourglass is that it’s “Unfair”, which it categorically is.  And if you’re rating at twist on fairness, I 100% agree with you.  Much as I may dislike the “Do or Die”, I cannot deny that it is “Fair”.  Contestants are told up-front what will happen, and are given the chance to avoid it.  No, it would be wrong to say the “Do or Die” is unfair.  

But fairness is not the issue for me.  For me, how well it fits into the spirit of the game is.  

In my view, there are only three ways a player should leave the game: They get voted out, they quit, or they are removed by production, either for medical reasons or some other violation of contract that necessitates production removal.  Anything else does not feel like “Survivor”.  The mechanism for implementing the twist is fine.  But the consequence is far too severe for my liking.  

NO ONE should ever leave the game based on what the show describes as “a game of chance”.  Even those screwed by the hourglass twist have a chance to socially maneuver to save themselves.  But this twist leaves open the possibility that someone leaves, not based on their own social maneuvering, willpower, or actions, but a bit of bad luck.  Luck may play a factor in many exits, but it should not be the ONLY factor, or even the PRIMARY factor.  You want to keep the “consequences” theme going?  Fine.  But make the consequences less severe.  Hey, you’re fond of taking away votes, and we saw what good drama that caused at Vati’s first Tribal Council this season.  Keep things the same, tell people about the twist beforehand and give them a chance to opt out, but say it’s a chance to not be able to vote.  I would even accept the vote being lost for two Tribal Council’s in a row if that’s what it took not to have this particular twist in the game!  And hey, if you want to push the “chance at reward” angle like you did this season, you can do that as well!  Survive the “Do or Die”, you get an extra vote!  It keeps the fairness of the twist, and creates a dilemma without the possibility of gutting the true drama and point of the show: The social maneuvering and the vote.

Boy, my fingers are sore from all that typing.  Mike, can you fill in for a second?

MIKE: Farewell, Immunity!  Thou art too dear for my possessing!

Another misquote?  You’re on thin ice, buddy.  But yes, most here do choose to sit out, and wisely so, given the potential consequences.  Mike and Maryanne have immunity via idols, so they see no need to risk themselves.  Drea has the ability to steal one of their idols with her “Knowledge is Power”, so she is also out.  Omar has somehow not had his name mentioned once for elimination yet, so he sits out, like a boss.  And Romeo sits out… Well, it’s not made super clear, but I guess he gets the accurate read that he’s not going to be a target tonight.  All understandable.  

Naturally, the two people competing are Jonathan, correctly surmising that his name is brought up, and Lindsay who… Ok, Lindsay’s not a target, but I admit it would be out of character for her not to complete.  Specifically, they will be competing in an endurance challenge where our players have to stand in a semi-crucified pose that makes them go numb.  You may remember this either as the challenge where Natalie Anderson accidentally spat on herself during “Survivor San Juan del Sur”, or more recently, the one where Christian blabbered everyone else into submission on “Survivor David vs. Goliath”.  Not a bad challenge, but again, I’m sick of nothing but endurance immunity challenges post merge.  Jonathan wins, somewhat surprisingly, meaning this twist could now screw over someone I actually really enjoy watching.  Way to keep ruining things, show!

To really hammer home just how terrible this is for Lindsay, we get HER flashbacks, specifically to playing football in high school.  She talks about her toughness and how she perseveres in spite of the odds.  On the one hand, I want to complain about how pointless this flashback is, given how it just tells us stuff the show already did a good job of conveying about Lindsay.  On the other hand, we get to see pictures of High School Lindsay, which is pretty cool, and discover that she has the same Fountain of Youth that Probst does.  She does not age either.  You doing ok, Mike?

MIKE: I am a kind of burr; I shall stick.  You ain’t getting rid of me that easily.  

Ooooookay then.  Angsting over, it’s time to get back to targeting  As discussed earlier, Drea is the main target due to all her “Stuff”, but Drea is not so easily got rid of.  Being no moron, she recognizes that when people are distant with her, that means her name is coming up.  Fortunately, she has a plan.  No one knows about that “Knowledge is Power” advantage, so she can steal Mike’s idol to keep herself safe.  All she has to do it keep quiet about it… Wait, why is she telling Omar about this plan?  

MIKE: She prattles something too wildly.

Precisely.  Look, props to Omar for getting in so good with everyone that he’s at the center of most every plan that comes up, and for somehow being the only person left who has NEVER been brought up as a target for elimination, but what the heck was Drea thinking here?  How does it in ANY WAY behoove her to let ANYONE know about this?  All it can do is derail her plans.  There is LITERALLY no need for Omar to know this, but she tells him anyway.  

About the best that can be said is that it leads to some decent misdirection here.  Omar acknowledges that he has power, and can eliminate Mike tonight.  He could even possibly get him to let Omar hold his idol, then still vote Mike out to take full possession.  The latter, at least, is a somewhat compelling argument, as Omar is one of the few people left with no idol or advantage to his name.  Still, this falls into the same category as “Now that everyone’s against Hai, maybe we should keep him.”  There’s no way this is real.  Yes, Mike is getting a big head about stuff.  GOOD!  Let him think he’s in charge, and he’s less likely to move against you.  Mike does not take being betrayed very well, as you may have noticed from literally all of his game so far.  You really want someone like that on the jury?  I think not.  Plus, Drea is probably the only person left who you realistically lose to in the end, so she should be target numero uno.  

The ethics of Lindsay’s risk are the main topic of discussion at Tribal tonight.  Not much comes of said discussion, but it is nice that people don’t take the mickey out of her too much.  Of course, when Lindsay goes up to pick a box with 10 minutes still left, and no cut to commercial, we know she’s safe.  Probst gives us the Monty Hall problem, the jury looks shocked, Rocksroy proves he doesn’t understand the Monty Hall problem, you know the drill.  Oddly, like Deshawn last season, Lindsay ignores the odds and refuses to switch.  Again, like Deshawn last season, it saves her.  I’m happy at the outcome, but this twist still needs to die.  

MIKE: My dancing soul doth celebrate!  Even though dancing isn’t a real sport.  Now we can get out Drea.  

Not without a hurdle, you won’t.  With the vote now on, Drea naturally plays her Knowledge is Power advantage, asking for Mike’s idol.  Continuing with his surprisingly good acting chops, Mike looks all dejected, only for us to discover that, indeed, Omar did the smart thing.  We flash back to Mike handing Omar his idol for safe keeping, and so Drea is out of luck, though we see she wisely spends her extra vote on the move as well.  See, THIS is good stuff!  The strategizing, good and bad.  The plays and counter-plays.  The dramatic reveal.  All stuff we would have missed had the show just had “luck” boot out Lindsay.  

I would also like to take this time to point out that the “Knowledge is Power”, a twist that’s actually got the potential to be GOOD on other seasons, has given us great dramatic moments, highlights of the season, twice now.  Why do people hate this one again?

The smart moves continue as bigger threat Drea goes.  I admit, I’m mixed on this one.  On the one hand, between Mike and Drea, I want to see more of Mike on my screen, particularly after he’s shown how good an actor he can be this episode.  That said, Drea was far from my least-favorite player on this tribe.  It’s just Jonathan was immune.  Drea leaving takes out one of the last remaining threats to Omar’s victory, which I would enjoy, and also removes more “Stuff” from the game, again a plus.  But it also takes out a great strategist, which means that the remaining episodes become more predictable, never a good thing.  Sorry to see her go, but not as sorry as if she stayed.  

Now, Mike got three votes this time, one more than expected.  Given Mike’s track record of handling surprises against him, he… Asks Drea for clarification, congratulates her on a move well-done, and hugs her goodbye.  Huh.  You really are full of surprises, man.  

MIKE: Men at some times are masters of their fates.  Not Lindsay, though.  

Most players content themselves with throwing one or two people under the bus as they leave.  Drea is not most players.  She compliments EVERYBODY in some way, whether it be Jonathan being below the radar, Lindsay being her close friend, Mike being likely to win in the end (doubtful), or giving Omar credit for foiling her Knowledge is Power (she does also say stuff to Maryanne and Romeo, but I missed it.  I assume it was in the same vein, though), she gives everyone a reason to target everyone else, which should help keep things interesting these last couple of episodes.  

Despite the show’s best efforts, this was a good one.  Once we didn’t have the worst outcome of “Do or Die” leading to “Die”, we had great misdirection, good use of flashbacks, and valid strategizing that led to a satisfying exit.  You’ve dodge the bullet twice, show, but don’t expect to do it a third time.  Next season better not have this particular twist.  

Anyway, thanks for the help Mike.  Want to take us out before I run you out of here with my nice new Taku buff?

MIKE: If this blogger has offended

Think but this, and all is mended:

That you have but slumbered here

While this blog post did appear.  

No more hatred, no more spite.  

Let it vanish in the night.  

If you seek a new recap,

Head to Dalton, that good chap,

For he is an honest man

Who seeks to tell us what he can

Of challenges and strategy

And he do hath no symmetry

With these harsh words of this here Matt

And that’s all I can say ‘bout that.  

Give me your hands, if we be friends,

And I’ll make sure everything’s right, ok?


Title Credit to Jean Storrs.  

Idol Speculation: “Survivor 42” Episode 9: Stromboli’s Puppet Show

5 May

It is a sad fact, but true, that oftentimes someone gets out of a rough situation, only to end up in another one right after.  Whether their fault or not, “Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire” is a cliche for a reason.  Such is, sadly, the case for Mike tonight, escaping being the “Puppet” of Hai, only to instead become the puppet of Omar.  At least it gives me the excuse to make another Disney reference.  

Mike’s path to removal of his strings, only to get new strings attached, begins immediately after Tribal Council.  While you’d think the humdrum Rocksroy boot would produce no drama, the fact is that there was SO much drama at the second Tribal Council that the players there are exhausted, and thus our remaining players have to pick up the drama slack.  As such, while Mike DID go along with the plan to boot Rocksroy to stay in the majority, it wasn’t his preference, and he wasn’t happy about doing it.  Hai tries to console him, and in the dark, it’s easy to believe that Mike was cool with the whole thing.  

Mike was, of course, not cool with the whole thing, and confides in Omar his feelings about what went down.  Omar, correctly reading the moment, effectively mimics Mike’s feelings back to him.  This is a ploy to get Mike to believe that Omar is on his side, despite the Rocksroy boot being largely Omar’s idea.  Omar plays it off well, and it seems Mike believes him.  This, while brilliantly executed by Omar, is getting very close to danger territory for Omar.  It speaks well of his game that he can so quickly bond with someone, and so accurately read the room and adjust accordingly, but stringing Mike along like this is a dangerous game.  Some people, as we’ll see later tonight, can take being burned in the game very well, and appreciate the artistry in your blindside.  But do you think Mike is one of those people?  It’s all well and good to be nice to Mike.  By no means should you antagonize him  But make him believe he’s at your inner circle, only to instead blindside him down the line?  I don’t see Mike handling that very well.  Thus, unless you intend to take Mike all the way to the end, you’re setting yourself up to have a VERY bitter juror working against you.  Now, Omar could just be planning to take Mike to the end, and he’s not the WORST option out there, but I could see people being impressed with him playing as well as he is at his (relatively) advanced age by “Survivor” standards, and I’m not sure that’s a risk I’d want to take.  

Mike isn’t the only one cozying up to Omar, however.  Lindsay, still rightly pissed at Jonathan’s bull-headedness last episode, updates Omar on what went down, and confides that she wants Jonathan gone.  For extra measure, she manages to let Hai know about this as well, WHILE EVERYONE IS STUCK IN THE SHELTER IN THE RAIN!  That thing that is said to be the killer of strategies, that prevents people from shaking up the game, and Lindsay just found a way around it.  You go, girl!  

Back to the conversation with Omar, though, I would just like to point out that this means Omar has had at least some degree of confidence with… Pretty much everybody left!  Ok, ok, he and Drea don’t seem super tight, but pretty much everyone else left has had a close confidence with Omar at some point, and it points to good gameplay.  Furthering this, after Omar and Lindsay’s strategizing, he rightly suggests the pair split up on the way back to camp.  The one downside is that this gives Lindsay time to look for a presumably re-hidden idol, noting that she needs a victory since she hasn’t had any at the challenges.  And that trend unfortunately continues, as Lindsay continues the tradition of “Being right beside the idol yet not finding it”, complete with light flash to indicate where it is on screen.  In Lindsay’s defense, the weather is kind of miserable for idol hunting, and while the idol itself is not particularly well-hidden, the paper does seem to be colored in such a way as to blend with the tree bark, and thus easy to miss on a cursory glance.  

Unfortunately for Lindsay, Maryanne has better luck.  She too sets out on a idol hunt, this time while gathering dry firewood (if such a thing can be found in a downpour of this caliber), and has more success.  This lands her a straight-up hidden immunity idol.  Yep.  No tricks, no gimmicks, no cost, just your regular hidden immunity idol.  Same as it’s been since “Survivor Fiji”.  Now, with my known… dislike… of the gimmicks they’ve added these past two seasons, you’d think I’d be happy to see a return to form.  The trouble is, now things are inconsistent.  So what, you find one idol, you lose your vote until some goofy phrases are said, but you find another one and everything’s fine?  That just seems… Imbalanced.  Having penalties for idols and advantages is not an inherently bad idea, even if I do find the specific mechanism weird.  Now, it certainly wouldn’t make sense to have the phrase/lost vote thing come back for an idol found post-merge, but if you’re going to have penalties for finding things on “Survivor”, then that needs to go for EVERYTHING!  Consistency is all I ask for.  Still, good for Maryanne.  

Lindsay will get to have her day as well, since she’ll be the winner to today’s reward challenge.  After going through a short obstacle course, our players must balance a sandbag on a platform on a pole, then toss that sandbag on another platform.  Standard post-merge fare, and honestly kind of dull, though the pole and platform becoming part of the finish table is a nice touch.  

What Lindsay specifically wins is a bunch of “Survivor” Pizza, and perhaps more importantly a night in a well-built hut.  Noteworthy since the rain is REALLY pouring down on these poor saps today, with most everyone visibly shivering.  In the tropics, mind you.  It’s by no means the worst weather the show has ever experienced, but this episode does a great job of really making you FEEL just how miserable this is for everyone.  

As is tradition, Lindsay gets to pick someone to go with her.  She picks Omar, which I can’t really fault.  She wants to talk strategy, and this is a good place to do so.  He was on her starting tribe, so no one will think it too weird, plus, as she says, he hasn’t had any rewards yet.  Under this same logic, when Probst predictably gives her a second pick, she picks Mike.  Not the WORST pick, but one that would raise a few eyebrows.  After all, Lindsay and Mike have not been particularly close up until this point, so unless you 100% believe her “taking people who haven’t had rewards” thing, the only reason to take Mike is strategy talk, and that should set everyone on edge.  In particular, you’d think Jonathan would be suspicious, given how close they’ve been up until now.  Then you remember Jonathan’s utter lack of social awareness last episode, and you realize Lindsay’s probably good.  

Cabana time has to wait, as the three won’t go until later in the evening.  For now, the main order of business is dealing with the unrelenting rain.  The shelter gets reinforced over a montage of everyone talking about just how much the weather sucks.  The one real dissenting opinion is Hai.  While he does concur with the suckage, he also notes it could be worse, noting his parent’s experiences in Vietnam and immigrating to a new country at age 3.  Yep, it’s another photo montage, not the last one we’ll see this episode, but it works pretty well.  We were already connected with Hai, but it’s good to get to see another side of him.  Plus, seeing baby Hai and teenage Hai was pretty cute.  

Our reward must eventually come, and so Lindsay, Omar, and Mike head to the cabana.  After Mike talks about Jersey boys enjoying pizza, we see that these three have gone mad.  We hear a voice-over talking about Lindsay, yet she reacts as though she can hear something inserted obviously later!  Break out the straight jackets, people!

No, she’s reacting because the sound is actually diabetic.  Yes, in addition to pizza and a good night’s sleep, it seems this is also our equivalent of the family reward for the season.  Due to COVID restrictions, a full family visit was of course not in the cards, but each contestant gets a photo montage and video message from home, lovingly projected on the shipwreckage on their island.  It’s kind of corny, but in that fun, “Survivor” way.  Plus, it must be fun for them to see their names in the “Survivor” font on the show proper.  

These warm fuzzies bond the three, thus completing Mike’s entrapment to Omar.  He says he’s fully on board with him, and ready to stop being Hai’s puppet, not realizing that he’s just traded one puppeteer for another.  Somewhat surprisingly, Lindsay is on board with the plan as well, despite having been hard core against Jonathan earlier.  Partly this is due to not wanting to rock the boat, partly due to recognizing Hai as a threat, and partly wanting to power up her amulet.  

Oh, did you forget about the amulet?  Don’t worry, Lindsay will remind you all by telling Omar and Mike all about it.  I have to ask… WHY?  Is it just the fate of everyone who gets an idol or advantage this season that they can’t stop blabbing about it?  But seriously, getting rid of Hai is great for Lindsay for the reasons she listed out.  But how does it benefit for Omar and Mike to know those reasons?  I think they’d be satisfied with “He’s a threat” as a reason to want him gone.  Then your amulet gets powered up with them none the wiser.  Win-win!

Our immunity challenge comes around, and it’s “Bow-Diddley”, first seen on “Survivor South Pacific”.  Yet another dull endurance challenge.  Much like last episode, it comes down to a duel between Jonathan and Lindsay.  Unfortunately for Jonathan, with a lack of strong winds, his size is no longer an asset, though credit where it’s due, he was REALLY good at recovering the ball when it seemed likely to fall.  After some good musical fake-outs, Lindsay wins, leaving our two main targets, Hai and Jonathan, available.  

Sadly, misdirection is not one of this episode’s strong points.  Hai has been playing, at a minimum, a solid game so far.  He may not be setting the world on fire with his innovative strategies, but his moves have been sensible, and he’s generally worked to position himself well.  But this last third of the episode was an off-day.  He starts by trying to get Mike on the “Vote Out Jonathan” train, but completely misreads the situation.  Mike, however, is not having it, and while he gives sweet words of agreement to Hai, his body language tells a different story.  Hai misses this completely, and we cut to a montage of everyone else being told to target Hai.  Jonathan and Maryanne are on board due to Taku loyalty, since Jonathan is clearly the alternate tonight.  Romeo is on board because he’s now tight with Omar.  And Drea is on board because her amulet would get powered up as well.  And of course, all rightly recognize Hai as a threat.  

So yeah, literally everyone except Hai wants Hai gone.  Not exactly a lot of room to maneuver there.  They do their level best by having Hai add some fuel to the fire.  Under the reasonable guise of wanting to avoid a Shot in the Dark play from Jonathan, Hai bluffs that he has an idol that he’ll play on Jonathan to get out Romeo.  A flimsy lie, and given that Omar has already told Jonathan everything, Jonathan doesn’t buy it.  No, instead, our attempted misdirection comes from Omar thinking about building Hai back up, since no one trusts him, thereby making him a reasonably loyal ally without any options.  

Yeah, sorry, not buying that.  Omar has spent too much time carefully crafting this plan to not follow through, and as we saw with Lydia, Hai is not guaranteed to be loyal if the votes aren’t there.  Add onto that the fact that Hai is one of the few people left who is intellectually capable of standing up to Omar.  If he goes, Drea is probably Omar’s only major remaining threat.  Not to say everyone left besides those two is a moron.  Pretty much everyone here is at least semi-competent, if not full on competent or above-average.  Omar’s just on another level right now, and that level says Hai is going tonight.  

With no mystery left, Tribal Council instead goes for humor.  Unfortunately, most of it is cringe humor relating to people making connections to their occupations.  Some work ok, but Mike literally talks about his being a Firefighter in relation to them needing to be WARM on the island.  Wow.  Never thought I’d see that forced a connection.  Now, if only John Kenny from “Survivor Vanuatu” was on this season.  I’d love to hear him try and connect being a Mechanical Bull Operator to the game somehow.  Maryanne at least varies it up, giving a decent metaphor comparing the game to Jenga, which is a new one, but she pretty well makes it work.  The real capstone here, though, is the brick joke, where Jonathan finally says he understands Maryanne’s ramblings after many episodes of not getting it.  Bravo, show.  

Unsurprisingly, Hai goes home, and while I’d say it was the smart move overall, given Hai’s threat level and amulet possession, I am sorry to see him go.  He was one of our last chances for a real shake-up in the pecking order this season, and just seemed like a nice guy to have around.  Not that Jonathan isn’t nice overall (I have more time for him than I do others of his archetype), but his behavior last episode really soured me, and while he’s not the worst, I’d rather Hai have stuck around than him.  Kudos to Hai for leaving in good spirits, though.  He congratulates everyone on a blindside well-executed, and is nice to them all, even by my standards.  I’m all for players not having too big a chip on their proverbial shoulder, but it’s ok to be at least a BIT salty at the loss.  

Despite the lack of mystery, this is still a great episode.  We got a deep dive into how the strategy came together, some more good bonding moments with the characters, and good moments of humor as well.  When the worst that I can say is that the challenges were lackluster, that’s a solid episode.  Sadly, it appears from the preview that next week may be the return of the “Do or Die” twist, so don’t expect that positivity to last.  


Title Credit to Jean Storrs.  

Idol Speculation: “Survivor 42” Episode 7: Mistakes Were Made

21 Apr

2-hour episode or not, this is just embarassing.  Yes, folks, we have not one, not two, but THREE things last episode that I forgot to mention.  Dear readers, we have a trifecta, meaning it’s time once again for another edition of…


To give credit to myself, at least one of the things was relatively minor.  While on Exile, while I talked about Rocksroy’s arc overall, I neglected to mention his penchant for firewood collection, even going so far as to state “when you think you have enough, you don’t have enough.”  Minor enough moon its own, but clearly Rocksroy is being controlled by Butch Lockley of “Survivor The Amazon”.  Evidently Butch has taken up voodoo in order to control Rocksroy from a distance.  Not what I expected of him, but power to him.  

Speaking of Rocksroy, while I mentioned his smashing of the hourglass, I neglected to mention the fallout from it.  We oddly didn’t see a lot of people complaining about this.  I assume that it happened, like it did last season, but just wasn’t shown by and large.  What’s funny to me is that the one pissed-off person we see is Tori, narratively implying that she was the ONLY person who had an issue with Rocksroy’s choice.  What’s rich is that Tori had the LEAST reason to be mad at Rocksroy’s choice.  Does it screw up her game?  Absolutely, but she was the one throwing Rocksroy under the bus earlier that episode.  Not to mention the argument they had earlier as well.  Tori, you can hardly blame the man for looking out for himself rather than you.  

Finally, but to me most importantly, I neglected to mention a strategy employed by the teams at the “immunity” challenge last episode, and I’m talking the team one, not the individual one.  I did mention it was the same challenge as last season, but the players here started it off SLIGHTLY differently.  In this case, rather than dig up their entire ball, they dug a ramp in the direction the ball needed to go, and just rolled it up that way.  A smart bit of challenge strategy, and one that, you’ll recall, I advocated for last season.  Given that this was filmed WAY before that blog was written, you’d think this was just a coincidence.  What you don’t realize is that Dr. CasWHOpanan from last season has taken up a new companion in her TARDIS, and it’s MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Silliness aside, we dive into our episode proper with damage control needing to be done on those left out of the vote.  Chanelle is naturally pissed, and does a bad job of hiding it.  She goes OFF on Hai, who really has no defense.  If Chanelle didn’t know she was on the bottom before, she does now.  Little better off is Romeo, who while not as overtly pissed, is also well aware of where he stands.  Understandably, Drea is the main target of his ire, as he wonders why she couldn’t clue him in.  Drea tries to pass the buck to Mike, but Romeo rightly points out that as his main ally, it was really up to her to make sure he was informed.  While the bridge may not be as burned as thoroughly as Chanelle’s at this point, it’s very tense at a minimum.  Despite being included in the last vote, Maryanne is consoled as well, with Lindsay coming clean about her whole plans and why.  Maryanne, as per usual, gets emotional about it, and gives the schpiel about being excluded from the “cool kids”.  We’ve seen this a million times before on this show by now, but what gets me is that, while some like Jonathan and Mike this season are your typical “cool kids”, this “cool kids” includes the likes of OMAR.  And don’t get me wrong, I love Omar!  He is awesome, both as a human being and as a player, but “cool kid” is not a word I would use to describe him.  

We also learn, via chyron, that the merge tribe is to be named Kula Kula.  Decent enough name, but kind of confusing when we had a “Kalokalo” on “Survivor David vs Goliath”.  Kind of a problem when you stay in a place, and thus names are often drawn from the same linguistic group, over and over.  Why they waited until now to reveal the name, I can’t say.  Perhaps it’s because they didn’t get the flag and paints until tree mail for the reward challenge came?  Hell, when was the last time we had tree mail shown on this show?

To emphasize how great a guy Omar is, we see that Mike has taken up Omar offer to answer questions about Islam, as he quietly watches to the side while Omar conducts his prayers and gives a play-by-play.  It’s respectful and nice on both ends, a fun little humanizing scene that doesn’t advance the game, but does connect us to the players.  Enjoy this moment.  There will be few compliments to be had for this episode.  

Complaints, on the other hand, will about.  You remember last episode?  How I was complimenting the show for reducing Probst’s asides to the audience to the absolute bare minimum?  Yeah, they took that and spit it back in our faces.  Probst talks MULTIPLE times this episode, but the first is the worst, since not only is he still treating the audience like a pack of kindergarteners, but it’s to hype up ANOTHER twist, labeled a “beware advantage”.  This one is the one Xander missed last season, or at least another one hidden under the bench.  Probst tells us that if this one doesn’t get found, they’ll keep trying.  Perhaps neon signs will be put pointing to it at that point.  Joy.  

Our challenge is “Octopus’ Garden” first seen on “Survivor Cagayan”.  A decent challenge, but overplayed at this point.  Of course, with a sit-out bench, we need a sit-out.  Maryanne draws the bad rock, but then Drea, on the pretense of disliking the reward of PB&J offers to switch.  An odd parallel to when Xander also switched last season.  I’d say again that it’s just a weird coincidence, but again, Dr. CasWHOpanan strikes.  

Our teams consist of Omar, Hai, Maryanne, Lindsay and Romeo, against Jonathan, Rocksroy, Mike, Tori and Chanelle.  As there is no puzzle in this challenge, the latter team is favored to win, and they do, but more narrowly than one would expect.  Inexplicably, Jonathan is not, at first, put on the basketball portion of this challenge, and this combined with Omar having a surprising amount of skill in this area, puts the former team ahead, in spite of being slower to get their buoys to the platform.  Then they come to their senses, and Jonathan of course crushes it.  They win, and while it was a comeback, Probst is more than a bit hyperbolic when he calls it “One of the biggest comebacks in ‘Survivor’ history!”

Both teams actually kind of celebrate after the challenge.  The winners celebrate having food, obviously, with Jonathan once again going on about his caloric intake.  Eh, it was funnier when he was going full Gaston.  But the losers still express joy in how hard they fought, with Omar’s performance in particular being impressive.  It’s here that we get insight into Omar’s game, with him talking about creating “options”.  He uses not having had a vote at the last Tribal Council to his advantage, making it seem like he’s on the outs, so that he’s getting information from pretty much everyone, even if he’s not explicitly allied with some of them.  Good smart play.  We love to see it.  

Drea, of course, is also happy, in this case because of her advantage.  After reading it, it turns out it’s the return of the “Knowledge is Power” advantage.  You know, because Drea didn’t have enough stuff.  Now she needs an advantage that gets her even MORE stuff!  I know I praised this advantage last season, so let me clarify my position here: This is a brilliant idea for an advantage, placed on the worst possible season for it to be on.  This sort of twist works best when things like idols and advantages are kept secret, and not, you know, incredibly public like they have been.  Between needing to say phrases to activate idols and sending people to Shipwheel Island, this advantage takes little skill to play, and therefor loses any good it possibly has.  I’d like to see it come back on a different season, but for this one, it’s OP, please nerf.  

But what of the “Beware” part of this advantage?  Well, the advantage is hidden under a coconut near the water well, and so Drea has to make an excuse in order to obtain it.  To paraphrase Devon Pinto on “Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers”, “That is not a disadvantage”.  Look, I get that it’s harder than just being given the thing outright, but this isn’t even like when they hide it in the campsite proper, and you need to wait for good timing, or manipulate events to get the good timing, a la Yau Man on “Survivor Fiji”.  Literally all you have to do is say you’re going to get water for the group, and BOOM!  Done.  Suspicion averted, provided you don’t take too long.  

To be completely fair, though, there IS a bit more “Beware” to this advantage than explicitly stated in the note.  It mentioned needing to avoid being caught “red handed”, and it seems this was meant to be taken literally.  The advantage was sealed in a container at the bottom of a tube of red paint, which Drea had to stick her whole forearm in to reach.  I’ll give it points for cleverness, with the subtle foreshadowing in the note, and it does have kind of an “Indiana Jones” vibe with the “stick your hand in this unknown hole” thing.  As mentioned on previous seasons, I like a good “Indiana Jones” shout out.  And it DOES create a dilemma.  I mean, how’s Drea going to get this red paint off?  If only she had some water to wash it away!  Oh, wait, SHE DOES!  IT’S LITERALLY FIVE FEET AWAY!  What kind of consequence is this?  

Well again, to be fair, there ARE repercussions.  Tori notes some leftover red paint, at first thinking that Drea is bleeding.  Drea claims she was painting, but no paint on the still unmade tribe flag makes Tori think otherwise.  That, plus a lump in Drea’s pants when Tori KNOWS she’s not happy to see her clues her in to Drea having an advantage.  Much as I hate to say it, props to Tori for good deductive reasoning.  Still, with all that said, these consequences do feel quite tame for a “Beware Advantage”.  They’re not NOTHING, but compared to losing one’s vote for likely an extended period of time, it’s kind of a letdown.  

Probst once again has an aside as we come to the challenge, noting that he’s offering another deal for rice to the tribes, as he did last season.  Really, there’s little bad about this one apart from the “monster” metaphor when he talks about bargaining being harder on future seasons, but with so much emphasis on “stuff” coupled with my dislike of these Probst asides in general, I’m in no mood to give it points.  Kula Kula is a lot more stingy than Viakana last season, since it takes Maryanne begging to get four people to sit out, with her, Lindsay, Omar, and Drea ultimately making the sacrifice.  Jonathan says he owes them, once again grateful for food.  More on that later.  Maryanne uses this to tout how she uses her emotions to manipulate others, which is doubtless true, but not sure this was the best example.  Not a hard situation, and hardly the first time we’ve seen someone plead to give up immunity.  Really, Maryanne here is being a nicer version of Colton Cumbie in episode 4 of “Survivor One World”.  I feel disgusting even putting those two in the same sentence, but it was the first thought that came to mind when I saw this.  

Our challenge is the lame endurance one where you hold up a buoy with two sticks, and barely worth mentioning, save that I thought for sure they would bring back the “Do or Die” twist just to hit the awfulness trifecta.  In the end, it comes down to challenge beast Jonathan versus previous challenge winner Tori.  Sadly, Tori wins, and so we must endure her presence for another episode.  

Without immunity, Chanelle is now once again the target.  Pretty much no one has a good relationship with her, and she’s an easy consensus boot.  Such boots need obvious misdirection, and Romeo is there to provide.  He’s checking and double-checking with everyone about his plans, and like Jamie Newton on “Survivor Guatemala”, it’s getting on everyone’s nerves.  Even the relatively chill Omar is talking about booting him.  What’s interesting is, despite Romeo being an obvious decoy, he would actually be the smarter choice, apart from Drea.  While Drea has some relationships in the majority alliance, Romeo is someone she can use to help flip numbers if needed, when he has few relationships in the majority beyond her.  Vati gets to keep their numbers up, Taku weakens another potential upstart tribe, and perhaps most important, you keep a consensus boot around to help unite your supermajority.  Yes, Chanelle needs to go at some point, and she’s hardly a BAD choice at this juncture, but Romeo still keeps the alliance intact, while eliminating a potential numbers flip down the road.  Plus, Romeo is just better at the game than Chanelle, from what we’ve seen.  She may have said she was playing chess while the others played checkers at the top of the episode, but that metaphor seems more apt to be flipped around, from what we’ve seen on the show.  

Tribal tonight is a mostly standard affair, though with two stand-out moments worth commenting on.  The first is when Probst checks in with Jonathan as to whether he’ll vote for any of the challenge sit-outs, which he denies on the grounds of “owing them one.”  I want to point out that it’s easy for Jonathan to say when 3/4 of them were on his starting tribe, and he’s at least to some degree allied with all of them.  Good excuse to hide still holding to tribe loyalty, is what I’m saying.  The second is something that should be a bad thing, but turned out good.  Sensing that we don’t have enough forced metaphors this season, Probst injects one about how playing “Survivor” is like riding in a car.  Of all the metaphors I’ve heard on this show, this one is definitely on the “More Cringey” end of the scale, but damn if this cast doesn’t kind of make it work.  Maryanne makes a joke about getting a new car, adding much-needed hilarity, while Lindsay and Hai actually manage to tie the metaphor into the game in a good way, noting the need to not be in the driver’s seat 100% of the time, or at least have protection if you do.  

Unsurprisingly, Chanelle goes home, and I’m not too sorry to see her go.  Nothing against her; she seems nice enough.  Just not as exciting a character as some others here, and I felt like we’d seen all the strategy we could from her.  Not that she didn’t have more game in her, but she just had no options at this point.  Credit where it’s due, though, she was totally right in rejecting the “We love you” from the group, particularly Hai.  Since they just voted her out, she was justified.  Also happy she gets to serve on the jury.  She’s earned that right, if nothing else.  

After so many steps forward, this episode really felt like a step backward in a lot of ways.  Having largely shed the worst excesses of last season, this episode largely fell back into the bad habits of “Survivor 41”.  More Probst talking to the audience, and adding in new advantages that ate up a lot of screen time.  The editing was still good, and the cast overall still likable, with a few good moments even shining through.  Not the worst episode, but a worrying trend, should it continue.  


Title Credit to Jean Storrs.